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What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as a colonic , colonic irrigation or colon lavage, is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. Quite simply, it's a bath for your colon. The practice of colon hydrotherapy started in ancient times and continues today around the world as a safe, effective method for cleansing the colon of waste material, which can help revitalize your health and stimulate your immune system.


The purpose of colon hydrotherapy treatment is to remove any waste that has been stuck in the colon. The process involves introducting warm, triple-filtered water into the colon via the rectum using a sterile, single-use disposable tube. Though many first-time clients feel apprehensive about the tube, it is no larger than a normal bowel movement and causes no pain. Water is filtered in and flushed out for 30-45 minutes, carrying with it any material that has build up in the large intestine (colon) such as waste matter, mucous plaques, toxins and trapped gases. Just one session may be equivalent to having many regular bowel movements. Eliminations during subsequent sessions can be even more substantial as older, hardened/impacted feces are further dislodged from the colon walls. 


While the more relaxed the person is the easier the process will be, there is no pain experienced when colon hydrotherapy is performed. Some minor discomfort may be experienced due to fecal matter moving through the colon to be expelled, which is to be expected and very much encouraged. Colon hydrotherapy can remove the buildup of waste matter in a short amount of time and many patients report feeling energized after a session. This burst in energy is a result of removing toxins from the body. 



While colon hydrotherapy and an enema are often thought to be the same thing, they are two different procedures. Enemas involve a one-time infusion of a small amount of water (2-4 cups) which clears only the lower colon, or approximately 1/5 of the bowel. 


By contrast, colonics involve multiple infusions of water, often up to 16 gallons in a single session. What's more, colonics are effective in cleaning a much larger portion of the colon, going all the way through 5 feet of the bowel. 



Colon Hydrotherapy
is not an Enema


Safe & Effective

We offer Closed-System Colon Hydrotherapy Treatments using a state-of-the-art Class II Medical device.  They employ multi-state water purification systems, individual one-time use disposables which eliminate any contamination to the client from a previous treatment, and a lighted viewing chamber. 


Water is discreetly transported into the drain line without any offensive odor and after each session the unit is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.


Unlike laxatives which can irritate the colon, colon hydrotherapy is non-addictive, and encourages the restoration of the colon's natural function by strengthening peristalsis. 

What about using laxatives? 

Laxatives empty the colon for the short term but are irritants to the body. They make your colon work in reverse, by helping the body draw out liquids from the intestinal walls, making the fecal matter softer and easier to pass. This often causes dehydration, which in the long-term is exactly what you don’t want. One of the tremendous benefits of colon hydrotherapy is that it actually hydrates the body.


Laxatives are also not capable of flushing out waste products or descaling intestinal walls. Overuse of laxatives (regardless of type) can cause laxative dependency which occurs when the colon stops reacting to usual doses of laxatives so that larger amounts of are needed to produce bowel movements. This can cause serious and irreversible damage by artificially stimulating and desensitizing the nerve endings in your colon, which quickly impairs your ability to have a complete and satisfying bowel movement naturally.  


Colon hydrotherapy on the other hand, can actually strengthen your bowel muscles and tone the colon, encouraging natural peristalsis.

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