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Ionic Foot Detox

What is a Detoxification Foot Bath?


Did you know that there are more than 2000 sweat glands and 4000 pores in your feet? It’s no wonder that detoxifying footbaths have been used in Ayurvedic and Eastern traditions for thousands of years. In fact, this method of healing was also used by the Romans in conjunction with public baths to draw impurities out of the body through the processes of osmosis and diffusion. A detoxification foot bath is simply the process of soaking the feet in a tub of warm water. Certain ingredients are added to the water to assist the detoxification process. It’s one of the safest and most relaxing ways to remove toxins from the body.

There are many different types of detoxifying foot treatments, including:

  • Charcoal foot bath

  • Bentonite clay foot mask

  • Epsom salt foot soak

  • Apple cider vinegar foot soak

  • Essential oils are often added to these mixtures to enhance healing and relaxation


At Thrive by KF, we offer the Ionic Detox footbath. We prefer this method because it is highly effective for enhancing the body’s natural ability to detoxify itself. Read on to learn how it works!

How an Ion Detox Foot Bath Works

The process of an ionic detox foot bath is actually quite simple. We start by filling a tub with warm water. Salt is added to the warm water to improve conductivity. Then we place an array into the tub to produce a gentle electrical current. This direct current breaks the water into positively charged hydrogen ions and oxygen gas, or negatively charged hydroxide ions and hydrogen gas, depending on the settings we choose.

When the machine is turned on, the patient might notice a slight tingling sensation in the feet. That’s because our bodies are made of water and electrolytes, and they allow the current to travel through the body. This current causes the tingling sensation as it works like a catalyst to boost the body’s own natural detoxifying abilities.

By the end of a 30-minute session, the water changes color. The color change is caused by the oxidation of the metal plates in the array and the ions reacting with solutes in the water.

An ionic foot detox is more effective than other foot detox modalities because the electrical current actually travels throughout the body and stimulates lasting detoxification effects. Other modalities offer similar relaxation benefits, but the effects don’t last, and they can only remove toxins close to the surface of the skin.


The Benefits of an Ionic Detox Footbath

The primary benefit of an ionic detox footbath is that it enhances the body’s own natural detoxification abilities. This allows the body to remove heavy metals and other toxic elements from the body more efficiently.



Single session (30 min): $40

Get 50% your Ionic Foot Spa session whenever booked along with Colon Hydrotherapy

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