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Colon Hydrotherapy FAQs

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What Can I Expect from Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon Hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure used to assist, the body for a wide variety of different colon-related conditions. By re-toning the bowel wall and improving colon functions, the entire body is able to function more efficiently. For more information on what to expect during your session, click HERE.



Is Colon Hydrotherapy safe?

Being an essentially natural process, there is virtually no danger with a colonic, provided you do not have any contraindications,  such as a recent colonoscopy (see full list here) and you visit a certified practitioner.  Our intent is to provide a safe and healthy service so that you do not have to worry. Cleaning and sterilization of the necessary equipment is done as normal procedure and clean linen is used for each colonic as well. We do recommend always having colon hydrotherapy in a clinical setting especially if you suffer from constipation, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome or you suspect any digestive conditions. 



Is there a special kind of water used for Colon Hydrotherapy?

We use filtered water which passes through two separate filters and a UV light tube before being heated to the correct temperature. This filtered water is capable of absorbing and flushing more toxins out of the colon because of its drawing effect on solid particles, chemicals and other matter.



What preparation do I need prior to Colon Hydrotherapy?

No fasting is needed prior to a treatment, but it is advisable to refrain from eating or drinking anything two hours prior to your scheduled appointment. This is to avoid feelings of nausea, as well as ensuring maximum comfort during your Colon Hydrotherapy session.



What should I do immediately after a Colon Hydrotherapy session?

Following a cleaning of the large intestine, the body may feel weary or relaxed. This is simply your body working out and processing through it's cleaning period; proper rest is important at this time to give your body time to rejuvenate. Immediately after treatment it is important to: 

  • Drink plenty of liquids (purified water, juices, herbal teas and electrolyte liquids).

  • Have your next meal be a healthy vegetable soup if possible. 

  • Reduce meat consumption, alcohol, caffeine and sugar intake. 



How many sessions are recommended?
Every person is different, therefore depending on the state of their colon, will need different number of sessions for optimal results. Your colon hydrotherapist will help determine how many sessions are recommended, however more often than not, if this is your first colon hydrotherapy treatment, a minimum of 3 sessions are advised to help remove all built-up fecal matter. Once your bowel is moving optimally some clients decide to continue seeing us once a month or every other month for maintenance. Other clients schedule a session simply when they feel the need. We do offer discounts for packages. 



Is there a special kind of water used for Colon Hydrotherapy?

We use filtered water which passes through two separate filters and a UV light tube before being heated to the correct temperature. This filtered water is capable of absorbing and flushing more toxins out of the colon because of its drawing effect on solid particles, chemicals and other matter.



How  much time is requred for a session?
Please allow approximately 1 1/2 hours for your first visit, 1/2 hour for the lifestyle consultation and one hour for your first treatment. Please allow one hour for each subsequent visit.



Does it hurt?

Not at all. It may feel a little strange as the small tube is inserted, and you may have a natural urge to squeeze it out again, but this passes quickly. Your therapist will then closely control the filling and emptying to ensure that you remainas  comfortable as possible at all times. Occasionally the colon muscles will contract suddenly expelling considerable amounts of liquid and waste into the rectum. This may feel like cramping or gas, and may create a feeling of urgency to empty the rectum. Such episodes, if they do occur, are usually brief and easily tolerated.



Why not use enemas, suppositories or laxatives instead?

Everything has its proper place, but those aren’t substitutes for colonics. Enemas are useful for emptying the rectum (the lowest 8 to 12 inches of the colon). Usually, only 1 or 2 pints of water are used to do that. Suppositories are intended to accomplish the same task. Laxatives, particularly herbal laxatives, are formulated for various purposes, such as to undo the effects of temporary constipation, but with regular use may actually impair the body's ability to eliminate effeciently on its own. But the Rolls Royce of colon cleansing without questions is colon hydrotherapy.



Can I have a session while on my menstrual cycle/period?

Colon Hydrotherapy is perfectly safe during this time, and may even help decrease craqmping and bloatching that can accompany menstruation. 



Is Colon Hydrotherapy habit forming? 

No, colon hydrotherapy is not habit forming. On the contrary, one of the features of colon hydrotherapy is the toning of the colon muscles, which helps in maintaining and resuming regular bowel movements on your own. 



Does Colon Hydrotherapy affect the electrolyte balance or gut flora in the body?

In the 1989 study – “Effects of Colon Hydrotherapy on Serum Electrolytes” conducted by National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, USA: “No patients experienced any clinically significant symptoms or disturbances”.


Colon hydrotherapy does not flush all good or bad bacteria out of the body. Once toxins are remove from the colon, the beneficial bacteria have a cleaner habitat facilitating their reproduction and multiplication, therefore achieving a positive bacterial balance. This was further corroborated in the early 2000s by the more recent research by Yoko Clinic in Japan – “Influence of Colon Hydrotherapy on Human Intestinal Microbiota” so we can be very confident about this from a medical standpoint.

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